Ph.D. Truong La
Division of Research Management and international Cooperation
Using 18 dairy cows (Holstein Friesian) with weight of 540 – 560 kg/head are exploiting milk divided into 6 plots, each lot is 03 heads. Cows were fed 3 different rations about starch food (maize meal, rice bran, cassava meal) but had the same energy (2,630 Kcal) and crude protein (16.0%). For each ration, there were 01 lot experiment of TMR diet; 01 control: cows fed separately food items. Cows are kept and monitored for 84 days. The results showed that, in the same diets fed with TMR feed, cows had higher milk yield than cows fed individual feed (P<0.05). For ration 1, the experimental group had milk yield of 24.5 kg/head/day, while cows in control group were 21.7 kg/head day. Similarly, cows in ration 2, the experimental group had milk yield of 22.3 kg/head/day and control group was 19.9 kg/head/day; cows in ration 3, the experiment group had milk yield of 20.7 kg/head/day, control group: 19.1 kg/head/day. The concentration of lipids and non-fat dry matter in milk of cows fed by TMR diets is similar to that of cows in the control group. Using TMR diets to feed dairy cows has a higher economic efficiency than raising cows according to individual feeding patterns.
MixingTMR and feeding dairy cows