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News – Events
List of new documents in the first quater of 2020(27/03/2020)
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Technique on using cocoa shell powder as feed for cows(26/03/2020)
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3 high yield cocoa varieties(26/03/2020)
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Drought comes early in Vietnam’s Central Highlands(26/03/2020)
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The work schedule of the Leadership from 23/3 to 27/3/2020(23/03/2020)
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The Black pepper Research and Development Center organized the Seventh Party Congress (term 2020 – 2022(20/03/2020)
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Study: All arabica derived from a single ancestral plant(19/03/2020)
A new study published today used modern genetics tools to trace the history of the Coffea arabica species, the most common and economically important commercial coffee crop species worldwide. Researchers confirmed the significantly likelihood that C. arabica derived from a single speciation event, a spontaneous coupling of individuals of two different species—Coffea canephora and Coffea eugenioides—that brought together the two genomes to create a new species. All C. arabica grown around the world today therefore originated from a single plant…
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