1. Official name:

Division of Plant Biotechnology Biochemistry Biophysics and Post-harvest Studies

2. Telephone number and email address:

Tel:  (+84 262). 3862845.

Email: binhanphuochanh@gmail.com

3. Organizational structure

– Total personnel: 16 persons including 01 Ph.D, 07 M.Sc, 07 B.Sc and 01 technician

– Leaders of the Division

+ Full name: Dr. Phan Thanh Binh;

Position: Head of the Division

   Email: binhanphuochanh@gmail.com;

Tel.: (+84) 983933171 or (+84) 1222666558

+ Full name: MSc. Tran Thị Hoang Anh;

Position: Vice Head of the Division

   Email: vinhanhwasi@gmail.com;

Tel.: (+84) 983580474

4. Main activities:

Major research with high science sense and practical application implemented includes:

+ Study technologies on post-harvest, processing and storing, and evaluate product quality of crops;

+ Study on biochemical processes and effects on the quality and processing of crop products, and processes of biochemical changes of plants under different impacts.

+ Study on enzyme and microbiological technology: Application of enzyme and microbiological technology to agriculture, post-harvest technology, food technology, animal feed and environmental treatment.

+ Study on plant cell technology including study of plant tissue culture, gene mutation, gene transfer, plant breeding and propagation of crops.

+ Study on plant physiology: Research on the physiological processes of plants in order to identify actors to help crops grow well, control and improve crops with high productivity, and help crops expose some special traits that are of user’s interest.

– Activities on technology transfer and agricultural extension

+ Participating in training, transferring technical advances on biotechnology, food technology, post-harvest technology, enzyme and microbiological technology, biochemistry and plant physiology.

– Activities on production, trade and service

– Provide services on analysis and evaluation of agricultural product quality and environment including biochemical, physiological, physiochemical and microbiological indicators; sensory aspects of agricultural products and environmental indicators in food production and processing.

– Study and perform trials on tissue culture coffee, ground coffee, cocoa powder, chocolate, macadamia and wine, etc.

5. List of tasks and projects implemented in 2010 – 2017 (2018 – if any)

* Being principal investigator for the following projects

 – National level:

+ Study to design and manufacture equipment to process green pepper, red pepper and white pepper using enzyme technology (Dr. Phan Thanh Binh, 2017 – 2018);

+ Study on enzyme application in cocoa bean processing to improve quality and increase economic effects. (Belonging to program of biotechnology application in food processing – National level; Dr. Phan Thanh Binh, 2009 – 2011);

+ Study on enzyme application in the wet processing of coffee to improve quality and reduce production costs. (Belonging to program of biotechnology application in food processing – National level; Dr. Nguyen Van Thuong, 2009 – 2011);

+ Study on building a system for arabica propagation by bioreactor technology (Belonging to KC04 program; Dr. Nguyen Van Thuong, 2014 – 2015);

– Provincial projects:

+ Biotechnological application to produce disease-free black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), (Belonging to Dak Nong provincial project, BSc. Nguyen Thi Mai, 2017 – 2019);

– Institutional projects:

+ Study on avocado preservation by using 1-MCPD (MSc. Ho Thi Phuoc, 2004 – 2005);

+ Study on cocoa fermentation in small-scale (Dr. Phan Thanh Binh, 2003-2004),

+ Determine factors affecting to fermentation and drying processes of cocoa beans (Dr. Phan Thanh Binh 2006 – 2007)

+ Produce foliar preparation for cashew (MSc. Tran Thi Hoang Anh, 2010 – 2011)

– Produce foliar fertilizer for black pepper (NUPE) (Dr. Tran Thi Minh Hue, 2009 – 2010)

– Sutdy on selection and propagtion of high value flowers in Dak Lak province, (MSc. Tran Thi Hoang Anh, 2009 – 2010)

– Other projects:

+ Participate in the national project “Complete the technological protocol of chocolate production with industrial scale in Dak Lak province” (Collaboration with Nam Truong Son Cocoa Co., Ltd.; Dr. Phan Thanh Binh, 2016 – 2017);

+ Participate in the national project of the sustainable cocoa production in Vietnam (Dr. Phan Thanh Binh, 2010 – 2015);

+ Participate in the major ministerial project “Study to select germplasms and complete protocols of intensive cultivation of bananas, durians, oranges and avocados for domestic consumption and export in the provinces of the Central Highlands (Dr. Phan Thanh Binh, 2017 – 2021)

+ Conduct the project of coffee and cocoa propagation in the period of 2006 – 2010 and 2010 – 2015 (Dr. Phan Thanh Binh)

+ Complete the protocol of fermentation technology using enzymes in cocoa bean processing (Belonging to PPP project; Dr. Phan Thanh Binh, 2014);

+ Participate in the ministerial project “Studying on selection and breeding of Robusta and Arabica” (BSc. Nguyen Thi Mai, 2017 – 2020);

+ Cooperate with the Institute of Post-Harvest Technology (Southern Branch) to determine the current status of coffee processing technology and equipment in Dak Lak province (Dr. Nguyen Van Thuong, 2003 – 2005);

+ Study solutions to improve green coffee quality for export in the provinces in the Central Highlands (Dr. Nguyen Van Thuong, 2007 – 2009);

+ Study on tissue culture of nematode resistant coffee varieties for re-planting in the Central Highlands (MSc. Tran Thi Hoang Anh).

– International cooperation:

+ Collaborate with Lallemand Company to evaluate fermentation by-products to improve coffee quality and reduce environmental pollution (Dr. Phan Thanh Binh, 2014 – 2018)

+ Collaborate with TKI to evaluate by-products of drought tolerance for Robusta in Vietnam (Dr. Phan Thanh Binh, 2014 – 2017)

+ Collaborate with FAO to study on prevention of fungi in coffee (Dr. Nguyen Van Thuong, 2004 – 2007)

+ Collaborate with AUSAID to conduct the cocoa development project (Dr. Nguyen Van Thuong, 2005 – 2008);

+ Collaborate with Nestle Vietnam Limited to create nematode resistant coffee varieties and coffee propagation by tissue culture method (Dr. Phan Thanh Binh and  MSc. Tran Thi Hoang Anh, 2011 – 2017);

+ Collaborate with REVO Company to study characteristics of Jatropha in the Highland Centrals (Dr. Nguyen Van Thuong, 2008 – 2009).