1. Official name:

Division of Forestry and Fruit Crops

2. Telephone number and email address:

Tel.: (+84 262). 3 862604 or (+84) 946570009.

Email: hoangcuongwasi@gmail.com

3. Organizational structure

  • Total personnel: 11 persons, including 02 PhD; 06 MSc, and 03 BSc.
  • Leaders of the Division:

+ Full name: Dr. Hoang Manh Cuong

Position: Head of the Division

Email: hoangcuongwasi@gmail.com

Tel.: (+84 262).3862604 or (+84).946570009

+ Full name: MSc. Dang Dinh Duc Phong

Position: Vice Head of the Division

Email: dangphongcs@gmail.com

Tel.: (+84 262). 3862604;    (+84).944748778

4. Main activities:

* Functions and tasks:

– Carry out science research and transfer advanced technology on forestry, agro-forestry and fruit crops;

– Conduct trainning and transfer technology advances on extension of agriculture and forestry belonging to research field of the Division;

– Consult and provide services on planning, measuring and surveying to build up agro-forestry projects;

– Carry out other tasks assigned by WASI.

5. Projects and achievements:

5.1. Projects:

– The study of sustainable cocoa development project in Vietnam. (National level, 2011 – 2015);

– Trial production of two cocoa varieties (PBC157 and PBC159) in Southern provinces. (Belonging to Ministerial trial production project, 2012 – 2014);

– The study of selection and breeding of cocoa by advanced cultivation technology and post-harvesting technology in major cultivation regions (Ministerial project, 2006 – 2010);

– The study of selection of avocado varieties and technical approaches to handle and store avocado after harvesting, (Major ministerial project, 2006 – 2010);

  – The selection and breeding of avocado varieties for Southern provinces (Major ministerial project, 2011 – 2015);

– Trial production of TA1 and Booth 7 (avocado) in the Central Highlands (Ministerial trial production, 2013 – 2015);

  – The selection of varieties and completion of technical protocols of intensive cultivation of banana, durian, orange and avocado in the Central Highlands for local consumption and export. (Belonging to agricultural restructure program up to 2021 – Ministerial major project, 2017 – 2021);

  – The development of several special fruit crops suitable with natural condition of Gia Lai (Gia Lai provincial project, 2011 – 2014);

  – The development of mango value chain in Ea Sup district, Dak Lak province (Dak Lak provincial project, 2015 – 2017);

– The selection and breeding of new cashew variety with high productivity and quality in Southern provinces (Ministerial major project, 2012 – 2016);

– Trial planting of palm trees in Dak Nong (Dak Nong provincial project, 2015 – 2017);

– The study of selection of Canarium album in Dak Lak province;

– Trial planting of Paulownia fortune in some ecological areas in Dak Lak province;

– Trial planting of Cedrela odorata L. in Dak Lak province;

– The development of cashew to intercrop in dry open forest of dipterocarps in Ea Sup district, Dak Lak province;

– The evaluation, selection and breeding Dak Mil durian varieties in Dak Mil district, Dak Nong province;

– Trial production of maccadamia in Dak Nong province;

– The selection of maccadamia varieties suitable for natural condition in the Central Highlands and study on the development capacity of maccadamia when applying intercropping approach;

– The selection of varieties of Gold Polyjackfruit for food industrial processing;

– The development of high drought tolerance Azadizachta indica and Azadizachta Sp. in Dak Lak for trial production of several bio-products to protect crops from pests and diseases;

– The test of several clones of dominant Chinaberry (bread tree) in Dak Lak province;

– The evaluation of Scaphium macropodum in Dak Lak province;

– The study on building up a pilot of mountainous plantations and gardens in Dak Song district, Dak Nong province;

– The study on build up a sustainable agro-Forestry pilot for indigenous ethnic communities in Ea Sup district, Dak Lak province;

– The evaluation on effects of forest growing in Dak Lak province and propose proper approaches to grow forests in ecological regions;

– Collaboration with other organisations (Nafood, Him Lam, and TH true milk) for thestudy and transfer advanced technology.

5.2. Achievements

5.2.1. Crop seeds

 –  Ministerial recognition of two cocoa varieties PBC157 and PBC159 for trial production (Decision No. 174/QĐ-TT-CCN of The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development dated May 04, 2011); Ministerial recognition of three cocoa varieties TC21, TD28 and TD31 for trial production in 2016 (through the Ministerial Acceptance Council); Ministerial recognition of five cocoa varieties TC5, TC7, TC11, TC12, and TC13 in 2016 (According to Decision No. 321 QD / BNN-KHCN dated Jan. 26, 2016);

– Recognition of 04 national avocado varieties: TA1, TA40, Booth 7 and Reed for the Central Highlands and the Southeast regions in 2016, of which TA1 and Booth 7 were officially recognized, and 02 varieties TA40 and Reed were recognized for trial production under Decision No. 2871/ QĐ-BNN-TT dated July 12, 2016 and Decision No. 4864/QĐ-BNN-TT dated Nov. 24, 2016 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development;

– Recognition of 05 avocado ortets for Dak Lak province in 2010: TA1, TA3, TA5, TA36, TA40 according to Decision No. 06/CĐD-SNNNT dated Aug. 02, 2010 of Dak Lak Department of Agriculture and Rural Development;

– Recognition of 05 avocado ortets for Dak Nong province in 2015 including: C.BO.67.663.24664.16.01, C.BO.67.663.24664.16.02, C.BO.67.663.24664.16.03, C.BO.67.663.24664.16.04 and C.BO.67.663.24664.16.05 according to Decision No. 09/QD-SNN, dated Jan. 11, 2016 of Dak Nong Department of Agriculture and Rural Development;

– Selection of 24 dominant durian individuals in Buon Ma Thuot city and Dak Mil district, of which the individual EAKV-01 was recognized as the best ortet by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in 1997;

– Selection of 05 best cashew ortets BĐ01, ES04, EK24, KP11, and KP12 being recognized by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development according to the Decision No. 5309 QD/BNN-KHCN dated Nov. 29, 2002;

– Selection of 10 elite cashew clones, including ES-01, ES-04, ESV27-16, BĐ-01, BJW-104, ĐL-102, ĐL-105, Mad-2004, PN1, and LG1.

– Recognition of 5 avocado ortets TA1, TA3, TA5, TA36, TA40 according to Decision 06/CĐD-SNNNT of Dak Lak Department of Agriculture and Rural Development dated Aug. 02, 2010;

– Selection of potential avocado clones for The Central Highlands region, including BOOTH, REED, TA1, TA3, TA5, TA36, and TA40;

– Selection of 24 dominant jackfruit ortets in Dak Lak Province, of which 8 ortets being recognized by Dak Lak Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, including: TJF02, TJF03, TJF04, TJF05, TJF17, TJF21, TJF26, and TJF27;

– Selection of 06 dominant avocado ortets with high productivity and quality in Dak Mil district;

– Collection of 16 accessions of macadamia varieties in the collection gardern of WASI;

– Selection of three potential macadamia varieties, including H2, OC, and 508. The average yield of each variety is 3 – 6 kg of beans/plant after 7 years;

5.2.2. Technical protocol

– Technical protocol for cocoa grafting (Decision No. 461/QD-TT-CCN dated Nov. 08, 2010);

– Cocoa production protocol towards the sustainable development;

– Technical protocol for cocoa cultivation;

– Protocol for the protection of cocoa from fungus Phytophthora in several major production areas of Vietnam;

– Protocol for the protection of cocoa from mirid bugs in several major production areas of Vietnam;

– Fermentation protocol of cocoa beans;

– Drying protocol of cocoa beans;

– Grafting protocol of cocoa;

–  According to Decision No. 171/QD-VNLT dated June 17, 2016 of the Director of WASI, building up Technical protocol of cleft grafting on TA1 and Booth 7 avocado varieties in the Central Highlands with over 95 % of survival rate and 85 % ready for delivery from nurseries;

  – Technical protocol of intensive cultivation for TA1 and Booth 7 avocado varieties in the Central Highlands with productivity of over 16 tons/ha in stable mature stage, under Decision No. 171/QĐ-VNLT of the WASI dated June 17, 2016;

– Technical protocol of grafting for young avocado with high survival (> 80%) and shortening in nursery period. This method was recognized as technical advances by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in 1997;

– Technical protocol of cashew asexual multiplication by grafting with survival rate > 90%;

– Technical protocol of jackfruit asexual multiplication by grafting with survival rate > 80%;

– Technical guideline on planting and caring for Paulownia fortunei.

6. Projects in progress:

  – The study of varieties selection and the completion of technical protocol of intensive cultivation of banana, durian, orange, and avocado for domestic consumption and export in the Central Highlands provinces. (Belonging to the ministerial major project in 2017 – 2021, Agriculture restructuring program up to 2021);

– Mango value chain development project in Ea Sup district, Dak Lak province in 2015 – 2017.

–  Trial planting of palm trees in Dak Nong (Dak Nong provincial project, 2015 – 2017)