1. Official name: Division of Agriculture System
2. Telephone number: +84 262 3862091; +84 262 3862589
3. Organizational Structure:
– Total personnel: 22 including 01 PhD., 8 MSc., 12 bachelors
– The Leadership of the Division:
+ Nguyen Xuan Hoa, PhD.
Position: Head of the Division
Mobile: 0934801845
Email: hoawasi@yahoo.com
+ Chau Thi Minh Long, MSc.
Position: Vice Head of the Division
Mobile: 0982057677
Email: ctmlong@hotmail.com
4. Main activities
According to the Decision No. 255/QĐ-VNLT by Director of WASI on 05/9/2019
* Functions:
Carrying out scientific and technological research missions; developing agricultural systems in the Central Highlands including agro-forestry systems, integrated crop management, and integrated pest and disease management.
* Tasks:
– Implementing researches/projects in the fields of agricultural production systems, environmental ecology and rural development.
– Researching on the development of sustainable agricultural systems, sustainable farming techniques, safe or organic production, landscape – oriented and certified production.
– Studying on the protocols of planting crops with high values and potentials in the Central Highlands.
– Studying on the policies and markets to support the development of sustainable agricultural systems in the Central Highlands
– Carrying out trials to test crop varieties, fertilizers, water saving systems and pesticides as well as advanced techniques related to agricultural production.
– Studying microbiological technology for the production of bio-products to control pests and diseases for crops
– Participating in the training and transferring of technical advances on agricultural systems
– Performing other tasks assigned by the Institute
5. Projects and achievements
5.1. Research projects and collaborative projects
- Reviewing and formulating economic and technical norms for some industrial crops such as coffee, cocoa and pepper;
- Developing the protocols and norms for sprinkler irrigation at the base of coffee trees;
- Studying solutions for organization of the production of high quality coffee in the Central Highlands;
- Researching the comprehensive technical measures to save input costs for coffee production in the Central Highlands;
- Building a sustainable coffee development model towards GAP in Binh Phuoc province;
- Building an integrated crop management (ICM) protocol for coffee in the harvest phase;
- Evaluating and transferring the results of selection of crop varieties and farming techniques for black pepper cultivation in Gia Lai province;
- Building a sustainable pepper development model towards GAP in Gia Lai province;
- Study on determination of the soluble NPK fertilizer formula for black pepper;
- Carrying out the trials of testing of soluble NPK fertilizer formulas for black pepper;
- Consulting and implementing a model of pepper value chain in Dak Nong province;
- Studying on improvement of the integrated crop management (ICM) protocol for coffee production;
- Studying on sustainable cocoa production in Vietnam;
- Building a model of sustainable industrial crops in the Central Highlands;
- Building a model of integrated crop management (ICM) for coffee replanting;
- Building a model of integrated crop management (ICM) for pepper replanting in Dak Lak province;
- Surveying, evaluating and proposing the plan of converting forages and rubber land into growing fruit trees;
- Studying on the responses to nutrient levels on high yield coffee varieties in the Central Highlands;
- Building a demonstration model of intensive coffee production by applying the water saving system;
- Developing a protocol of intercropping perennial crops in coffee gardens;
- Selection of endophyte Fusarium oxysporum with potential to control the damage of major nematode species on coffee and black pepper in the Central Highlands.
- Selection of bacteria Pseudomonas antagonistic fungal pathogens in the root of black pepper and coffee in the central Highlands
- Package LD/CQS/R&D 05: Study on application and transfer of integrated control solutions of yellow leaf syndrom on Robusta coffee in Lam Dong
- Package LD/SSS/R&D 02/2012, Expanding project: Study on application and transfer of integrated control solutions of slow decline disease on Robusta coffee in Lam Dong
- Research on nematodes of coffee and black pepper and technological solutions to control them effectively in key production areas
- Selection and application of some insect-parasitic fungi to control root coffee insects in Daklak
- Study and develop solutions for coffee replanting in the Central Highlands of Vietnam (In cooperation with Syngenta Vietnam)
- Study on control solutions of Phytophthora diseases on avocado varieties TA1 and Booth 7 in production period (belong to pilot production projects of varieties TA1 and Booth 7)
- Evaluating the ability to control Phytophthora spp. on black pepper and cacao of WASI – Phos 73 DD
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of cinnamon bark extract to control root nematodes and fungi on coffee
- Study on the main causes of death of coffee replanting and propose solutions
- Research on the use of Mexican sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) to control root nematodes and fungal pathogens on coffee
- Controling pests and diseases on black pepper; training to transfer technological and scientific solutions to control pests and diseases on black pepper
- Screening nematode resistance of Robusta clones and some biochemical indicators (belong to sustainable coffee development projects of Nestle Vietnam)
- Research on the selection and improvement of technical procedures for intensive cultivation of bananas, durians, oranges and avocados for domestic and oversea consumption in the Central Highlands provinces
- Project of plant clinics to freely consult of crop pests and diseases for farmer (CABI support)
- VnSAT projects in Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Kon Tum
5.2. Achievements
– Writing and editing monographs and agricultural extension document such as: a manual for pest control on coffee plantation; techniques of cultivation and harvesting black pepper; Robusta coffee replanting techniques; the protocol of pepper cultivation for exporting; a technical manual of Robusta coffee intercropping; a manual for sustainable coffee landscape; a set of indicators for monitoring and evaluating coffee landscape.
– Consulting and training ToT, FFS on replantation techniques, certified production and landscape for coffee and black pepper.
– Consulting, designing, manufacturing and installing sprinkler irrigation systems combining fertilizing for coffee, pepper, …
– Identifying pests and diseases on some major industrial crops and fruit trees in the Central Highlands such as coffee, pepper, cocoa, cashew, avocado and macadamia.
– Production of Trichocera-VTN for preventing diseases caused by Phytophthora spp.
– Production of CPVTN3 biological products for composting coffee husk to make organic fertilizer.
– Formulating the protocols of preventing and treating pests and diseases on coffee, pepper, cocoa and cashew trees; the technical process of pepper production towards GAP; the technical process of preventing stinkbugs on cocoa trees; the procedures to prevent leaf yellowing and coffee root for coffee replantation; the technical procedures for coffee replanting.
6. The ongoing projects and research orientations
6.1. Ongoing projects
- Storing, evaluating and selecting coffee materials together with identifying scientific and practical information of ethylene application in coffee production; using herbs in preventing fungi and nematodes against coffee plants.
- Studying on varieties selection and development of intensive production techniques of banana, durian, orange and avocado trees in the Central Highlands for domestic consumption and export;
- Studying on improvement of the technology of extracting some active substances from cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum cassia) and producing bio-products to prevent effectively the nematodes and fungi causing major damages to coffee and black pepper roots in the Central Highlands
- Developing a comprehensive technical package for coffee production to increase coffee value-added for domestic consumption and export
- Project: “Building, implementing training models of landscape coffee in Lam Dong province”, collaboration with Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC)
- Project: “Improving resilience to climate change and effective use of agrochemicals for coffee production in Dak Lak, Dak Nong and Gia Lai”, collaboration with Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC).
6.2. Research orientatios
Research on the environment impacts causing by plant protection methods and solutions to reduce agricultural environmental pollution related to plant protection.
Research on application of biotechnology techniques in pest and disease diagnosis; production bio-products for plant protection to reduce chemical pesticide use for safe agriculture production oriented.
Research on application of integrated crop management (IPM) towards good agricultural practices (GAP) in order to produce safe agricultural products for domestic consumption and export. At the first step, focusing on potential crops such as coffee, black pepper, cashew, cocoa and fruit trees.
Research on “Landscape coffee”, “sustainable coffee production”, “specialty coffee production”, “climate smart coffee production”.
Carrying out other talks such as training including training on farmer field school (FFS), training of trainers (ToT); participatory technical development (PTD); determining cropping parttern, etc.
7. Pictures of the Division