Division of Perennials

1. Official Name

Division of Perennials

2. Telephone number and email address

3. Division structure

  • Number of personnel: 14 persons,including 09 MSc. and 05 BSc.
  • Leaders of Division:

+ Full name: Dinh Thi Tieu Oanh, MSc.

Position: Head of Division

Tel.: (+84 262). 3862090 or (+84) 935078802

Email: tieuoanhwasi@yahoo.com.vn       

+ Full name: Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai, MSc.

Position: Vice head of Division

Tel.: (+84 262). 3862099 or (+84) 937127864

Email: thanhmaiwasi@gmail.com

4. Main activities

4.1. Functions and duties

– Propose technological and scientific research tasks and development strategies  of the Western Highlands Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute (WASI) at institutional, ministerial and national levels;

– Select and breed new varieties, and conduct trial production (for short and long terms) for perennials (robusta, arabica) in order to submit competent authorities;

– Implement technological and scientific research tasks, and trial production for perennials;

– Participate in the training, consulting and transferring of technical advances on production and agricultural extension of perennials;

– Collaborate with international organizations to produce the sustainable coffee in the Central Highlands;

– Perform regular task according to function and other tasks assigned by WASI.

5. Significant Achievements

5.1. List of research and projects implemented from 2010 to 2017

* Research:

– The selection of high quality Arabica clones in major production areas (Ministerial project, 2011 – 2015);

– The selection of high quality Robusta clones in the Central Highlands (Ministerial project, 2011 – 2015);

– The selection of Robusta clones with high resistance to main nematodes to use as rootstocks for grafting on commercial Arabica and Robusta varieties. (Ministerial project, 2009 – 2013);

– The study of main causes of death of replanted coffee and proposing solutions  (Ministerial project, collaboration with VASS, 2014 – 2017).

– The selection of several Arabica varieties (Coffea arabica L.) with high quality and productivity in Lam Dong province. 2015 – 2018);

– The conservation and and storage of crops (Ministerial project, annual task)

– The conservation and development of genetic resources and several technical approaches for the replanting of coffee in the Central Highlands (Regular tasks according to functions);

* Projects:

– The transfer of Robusta grafting technique for the delivery of the best varieties for Robusta production towards sustainable development (Agricuture Competitiveness Project – ACP, Dak Lak provincial project, 2011 – 2013);

– Building up a pilot for raising farmers’ incomes through applying technical advances in the coffee re-planting to increase economic effects in wards: Cu Ni, Ea Kmut, Cu Yang and Cu Hue of Ea Kar district, Dak Lak Province (National project – New Countryside program, 2011 – 2015);

– Building up a production protocol of coffee seeds (Ministerial project of coffee – cocoa development, 2011 – 2015);

– The development of germplasm banks of national crops (Ministerial project, , 2011 – 2015, 2016 -2020).

– The conversion of sustainable agriculture in Vietnam (Central VnSAT project and VnSAT projects in the provinces of the Central Highlands, 2017 – 2020).

* International collaboration projects

– The experiment of imported coffee varieties; research and evaluation of nematode resistant coffee varieties (Collaboration with Nestle Vietnam Ltd., 2011 – 2020);

– The experiment of CFT foliar fertilizer in order to evaluate effects of the fertilizer for each development and growth stage of coffee and black pepper in the Central Highlands. (Collaboration with Compo Expert Asia Pacific SDN. BHD, 2015 – 2016);

– The experiment of coffee selection and breeding technologies and cultivation techniques in Vietnam (The project of sustainable coffee development in Cuba and Vietnam, 2016 – 2020).

5.2. Main achievements

* Selection and breeding of new varieties

– Currently, new Robusta clones TR9, TR11, TR12, TR13 are major for replanting; their yields are from 4,5 – 6,5 green bean tons/ha; bean sizes at grade I (on screen 16) are from 75 – 95 %, high resistance to leaf rust disease and wide adaption with the ecological conditions in different production regions. These varieties were officially recognized and planted in the provinces in the Central Highlands. (Decision No. 175/QĐ-TT-CCN dated May 04, 2011);

– The new Arabica clones TN1 and TN2 have the yield of 3.0-3.5 tons/ ha (10 – 15% higher than current Catimor variety), good quality and high leaf rust resistance. These clones enrich Arabica varieties for production.  They were officially recognized and planted in 2011 (Decision No. 725/QĐ-TT-CCN, dated Dec. 12, 2011).

– The hybrid clone TRS1 has the yield of 4.5 – 6.0 tons/ha (30-50% higher than other varieties commonly planted in the same condition), high leaf rust resistance; TRS1 seedlings grown by seeds with low divergent rate (< 10 %). The variety was recognized under Decision No. 324/QD-TT-CCN, dated Nov. 5, 2015;

– The Robusta late ripening clones TR14 and TR15 have higher yield and better quality than early and medium ripening clones. These clones are resistant to leaf rust disease, can give 20 – 30% better quality than current clones, and has ability to save irrigation water.

– Three varieties of hybrid Arabica (TN6, TN7 and TN9) have the yield of 3.0 tons/ha, higher than current varieties about 15 – 20%, good quality and high leaf rust resistance. These clones contribute to the enrichment of Arabica varieties for production.

– Pure Arabica variety THA1 can give seedlings (made by seeds), high yield  (> 3.0 tons/ ha), good quality and high leaf rust resistance.

The above varieties were recognized by MARD in accordance with Decision No. 2712 /QD-BNN-TT dated July 7, 2016.

* Technical protocols and criteria to control the quality of seedlings

– Buiding up production protocol of coffee seeds

– Building up Robusta replanting protocol issued in 2013 and 2016.

– Building up a draft protocol to produce disease-free seedlings in nurseries.

– Building up a set of document for training on techniques of sustainable Arabica cultivation and replanting issued temporarily by the Manager Board of agricultural projects, according to Decision No. 2657/DANN-KHKT dated Oct. 28, 2016.

– Building up 03 sets of documents issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development according to Decision No. 4510/QD-BNN-TT dated Nov. 01, 2016, including:

  • Quality criteria of coffee seedlings
  • Criteria of nurseries met standards of of plantlets for projects
  • Procedure to assess and certify standadised nurseries.

6. Research and projects in progress

– The research on selection and breeding of coffee clones with high quality and yield and high drought tolerance for sustainable coffee production (Ministerial project, 2017 – 2021);

– Trial production of late mature Robusta varieties TR14, TR15 with high quality for sustainable coffee production (Miniterial trial production project, 2017 – 2020).

– Activities on supporting technologies to build up technical standards for production, manage the production of coffee breeds and develop sustainable coffee replanting pilots in order to transfer for farmers in main production regions in the Central Highlands. (Belonging to the project “Conversion of the sustainable agriculture in Vietnam (VNSAT), 2017 – 2020);

– The conversion of the sustainable agriculture in Vietnam (Sustainable Agriculture Transformation (VnSATProject in the provinces of the Central Highlands, 2017 – 2020).

– The experiment of coffee selection and breeding technologies and cultivation techniques in Vietnam (The project of sustainable coffee development in Cuba and Vietnam, 2016 – 2020).

– The experiment of imported coffee varieties; research and evaluation of nematode resistant coffee varieties (Collaboration with Nestle Vietnam Ltd., 2011 – 2020).


Bản quyền thuộc Viện Khoa học Kỹ thuật Nông Lâm nghiệp Tây Nguyên.

Address: Số 53 Nguyễn Lương Bằng - Tp.Buôn Ma Thuột - Tỉnh Đắk Lắk

Phone: (0262).3862605 – Fax : (0262).3862097 Email: viennlntn@gmail.com

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